
A opinioated framework of NixOS/nix-darwin modules.

Using nix-basement

nix-basement is meant to be used as an input to a nix-flake.

Example flake:

  description = "A very basic flake";

  inputs = {
    base.url = "github:nix-basement/nix-basement/main";

  outputs = directInputs:
      inputs = directInputs.base.inputs // directInputs;
      inherit (inputs)
      lib = base.lib;
    with builtins; with lib; (

        nixosConfigurations = generateNixosConfigurations inputs;
        darwinConfigurations = generateDarwinConfigurations inputs;

        deploy = generateDeployConfig self;
        devShells = base.devShells;

      (flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system: {

        buildJobs = generateBuildJobs self system;


NixOS Configuration

nix-basement (and it’s generateNixosConfiguration function) searches for a hosts/{hostname}/default.nix looking like this:

{ ... }: {
  system = "x86_64-linux"; # or "aarch64-linux", ...
  modules = [
    # NixOS modules of this configuration, for example `[ ./configuration.nix ]` with your system specific configuraition

  # and optionally deployment configuration (
  deployment = {
    targetUser = "root"; # root or a user that can sudo passwordless
    targetHost = ""; # ip or hostname of the server
    substituteOnDestination = true; # if true the server tries to download needed store paths from caches

the deployment block is entirely optional and can be omitted

nix-darwin Configuration

Similar to NixOS, nix-basement (and it’s generateDarwinConfiguration function) searches for a darwin-hosts/{hostname}/default.nix looking like this:

{ ... }: {
  system = "x86_64-darwin"; # or "aarch64-darwin"
  modules = [
    # nix-darwin modules of this configuration, for example `[ ./configuration.nix ]` with your system specific configuraition


NixOS VM on nix-darwin

The darwin option basement.virtualization.linuxvm provides an easy way to host a linux VM on your mac.

This is a useful way to get a fast aarch64 NixOS machine.

To enable it, put the following inside your configuration.nix

basement.virtualization.linuxvm = {
  enable = true;
  configuration = inputs.self.nixosConfigurations.linuxvm; (1)
1 This needs to be a nixpkgs.lib.nixosConfiguration attrset. The nixosConfiguration SHOULD have nix-basement.presets.darwinvm.enable = true.

By default the VMs port 22 is forwarded to the hosts port 5555. So you can reach the VM from the hosts network via SSH. The VM has a rw nix-store saved into a QCOW2 at ${cfg.dataDir}/nix-store.qcow2 (so /var/lib/linuxvm/nix-store.qcow2 by default`).

An 9p mount will be created to share data between the host and vm. It mounts the hostpath ${cfg.sharePath} ( /Users/user/vmshare by default ) to /share on the VM. As the VM is immutable, the contents of /share/ssh/ will automatically be copied to /etc/ssh/ on boot. Please store your SSH hostKeys there.